Knuckle Tattoos One Hand

Playstation buttons

Leah sends us these knuckles and their story:

I grew up playing video games but when the Sony playstation came out it changed me forever. It was the first console I owned that used CD instead of cartridge. The graphics blew me away, I’ve been a die hard playstation fan since.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Greg M. sends these knuckles and the following story:

This is my knuckle tattoo of my wife’s name, Kera.  She is the greatest girl I’ve met, and will ever meet.  I chose to get her name on my knuckles because I wanted it somewhere that could never be hidden, just like my love for her.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Rachel McFadden of Louisville, KY writes:
here’s the story behind the image I submitted yesterday.  It’s a love story.
I spent a little time having a conversation with a man a generation older than I am.
I think about him a lot and wonder if I’ll ever see him again.
I’ll know him when I see him because he has the year he was born tattooed across his knuckles.
Some people leave an impression on you.
1975, the year I came to Earth.
Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Jonathan Nadeau send us this fresh meat and his story:

This is a picture of my left hand that I just finished tattooing myself. I once was a tattoo artist but I quit tattooing for more than 15 years so I have some practice to do to get back on track ! My left hand was available and willing to play the guinea pig. I will need help for the right hand though.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Martin lives in Guildford, England and sends us the following:

Hi, my name’s Martin, I got “N” on my Roman wedding finger to show my fiancee Natalie how much I love her, and how much faith I have in our relationship. We’re both students at the moment and when we finish studying the wedding will be on… We’ve already been together 8 years, engaged for 7!

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Hello, my name is Ian and I’ve been following your site for a while, now I have a tattoo to submit.
‘such’ on my left knuckles, just got it 2 days ago.  Oddly I needed to argue my case to all the employees who worked there, and only reluctantly agreed to accept my money.
It’s my 3rd tattoo, but the first I’ve been immediately proud of.
The notion behind it, or what it means to me is the idea of the natural state of things, an acceptance of them based on the idea that ‘everything is necessary’.  Not in any eastern way, but in that perfection is the past, because it is static and unchangeable

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand

Skull, Diamond, Anchor, Heart

Ane Kruse sends us these knuckles:

this is my new knuckle tattoo, it´s homemade and rockin’! It doesn´t mean anything. AWESOME!

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


My name is Topher Brown Suga Maurer. I just got OLOC on my right nucks. It stands for One Life One Chance. I am a manic depressive and I have been super down lately as well as making some bad choices, decided it was time to get myself under control and turn things around. I have a degree in physics so I took the pic for fun. lol. I have other tattoo’s but I have been wanting knuckle tatts for a while now.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


We joke about getting this set at Knuckle Tattoo Central, it is sort of amazing to see it done in the flesh. Christopher, hats off to you. Here is his story:

Got this done when I  was 18 with needle and thread in my buddys garage after a long night of partying and im 23 now thinking bout gettin somthing else put over it but I’m not sure and thats how I came across this website.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand



Dario from Brooklyn, NY shares his story:

I got the date of September 25th tattooed in Roman numerals on the knuckles of my right hand as IX (9) II (2) V (5) commemorates the exact date I met my husband in 2005 and the same date we got married six years later in 2011.