4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos Other


Hey I’m Marc from Brisbane, Australia

Love your site and have been following it for a while now and thought it was about time I submitted my knux.

Heartless at the top because I really just don’t care for love or relationships. Free will in the middle to remind myself it’s my life and my choices, and daydream on the bottom as I spend way too much time in my own head.

Not sure if you’re interested but I’ve also attached a picture of the inside of my fingers.

Quelle fucking surprise is a line from an Enter Shikari song, it means what a fucking surprise, because I’m used to the shit life throws at me by now and nothing surprises me. Straight outta compton on the other side just as a bit of a joke.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Chris M. sends us these knuckles:

Hey guys!

Just got LIVE FREE on my knuckles a couple days ago! I struggled for years  and still am struggling as I live day to day minute by minute! I was a prisoner of my own making and suffered for a long time! I didn’t know was freedom was till I discovered a new way of living that I have to work in my everyday so I dont return to a hopeless state of mind! I was always told to be where my hand are and now everyday I look at them it reminds me to be free of self! That’s my story!

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos

MEAT FREE and veggies

Mike S. has this to say:

yes the ink is Vegan.


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


G’day the names LJ. I am in the Royal Australian Navy and a motorcycle enthusiast. I love riding bikes for the freedom felt when on the open road, so RIDE FREE is the only logical tattoo for my knuckles. I got it done in 2011 in Sihanoukville Cambodia.


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hector sends us these knuckles and his story:

Hey Nathan, im 28, married, and my daughter just turned 2.  We live in Buffalo NY. The piece was done by Otis Arterberry, from American Skin Art, in Tonawanda NY.

The reason I had it done, is because i went through something, which was a turning point in my life.  I couldve let the issue consume me and I would’ve lost my family.  Or what i did, man up and decide I was in control and nothing else was.

4x4 8 Across Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos


Rishelle sends us these thoroughly done up knuckles, including the stories behind them all:

Hi! These are the knuckle tattoos that I just got done, and the sides of my hands by Derek Davie at Anchor’s End Tattoo in Buffalo, NY. They stand for the fact that you need to live free of everything that is negative, live free of other people’s negative feelings about you. Live the life you want, the way you want, and don’t give a single care as to what others have to say about it. Live free, imagine peace and love your life. The sides stand for that you have to know more to hate less, less is more and more is less, you have to know hate and hate what you know. Enjoy :]

Knuckle Tattoos Other


Megan F. sends us this set of knukle tattoos and her story:

Ok so I just recently started to plan my future with regards to university and stuff….and I realised that I am at a certain point in my life where anything is possible. I realised the freedom I had to do absolutely anything I wanted, when I wanted, where I wanted. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Nathan Hinkle sends us this tattoo he did this tattoo at Grindhouse Tattoos in San Antonio, TX. He says that the girls name was Ashley and she got the tattoo after her husband left.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Tony Landry sends us these wise words:

When I was in jail you see people coming in and leaving almost every day. After months just sitting and waiting for a court date you start to ask yourself, “When am I going to be free?”. I asked a guard that one day, he told me this, “You are only born free.” There it was, the words that have stuck with me forever. I’m from New Orleans, La, but I got these in Mission Beach, Ca near where I was detained. The “R” in “BORN” is blown out, but noone notices it. Name’s Tony. Remember these words.


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


I’m Justin Crawford from Mt. Vernon, Ohio  My knuckles say Hard Knox which is the name of the tattoo shop I work at. And Knox is the name of the county I live in!

Done by Tony Campise at Hard Knox Tattoo in Mt. Vernon Ohio. It’s a hard knox life!
and from Left to right in 2nd picture   Reptar Funk  Justin Crawford  Tony campise