4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Brad Huston sends us these knuckle tattoos:
Got this done in honor of Carl Sagan. Inspired from his quote from “Cosmos”:
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson also said it very well:
Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
Be humble for you are made of earth, be noble for you are made from stars
4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos Other


Cherry D’vine is always living on the borderline, her two alter egos are constantly in conflict.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


My names Rob I’m from Massachusetts I have the words “Stay Away” on my knuckles. I chose these words cuz I’m not a people person and being in a band I have to deal with a lot if people so I got stay away just to let everyone know your just better off staying away from me we may not be enemies but we can’t be friends

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hello. My name is Caidyn. I’m a 19 year old recovering alcoholic from Washington. I got these knuckle tattoo’s in January of this year and I just recently got them touched up because they had faded quite a lot.
I’ve wanted knuckle tattoos since I was around 14 and had a lot of ideas of what I wanted to get, but wanted to make sure that I did not get something that someone else already had. (Which is really hard and close to impossible to do when it comes to tattoos)
I decided to get “Born Poet” for the fact that when I was 15, I tried writing poetry just to mess around and try something new and found that I had a natural talent for it and everyone I showed my work to, loved it and gave me uplifting comments for my writing ability.
These knuckle tattoos inspire me to remain in my writing and remind me how much I need to keep writing in my life. Especially in recovery because I struggle with not opening up with people no matter how close I am to them. So writing gives me an escape I need and keeps me from remaining in my addiction.
4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos Other


Hey I’m Marc from Brisbane, Australia

Love your site and have been following it for a while now and thought it was about time I submitted my knux.

Heartless at the top because I really just don’t care for love or relationships. Free will in the middle to remind myself it’s my life and my choices, and daydream on the bottom as I spend way too much time in my own head.

Not sure if you’re interested but I’ve also attached a picture of the inside of my fingers.

Quelle fucking surprise is a line from an Enter Shikari song, it means what a fucking surprise, because I’m used to the shit life throws at me by now and nothing surprises me. Straight outta compton on the other side just as a bit of a joke.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Harvey Rogers sends us these rocking traditionals, and his story behind them is pretty awesome:
Well where to kick off really, the relevance of HOLD FAST as a tattoo originally came about to prove a sailors worth on board, a rite of passage as such, you had to earn it and was therefore a privilege to have, it was originally tattooed on the knuckles to prove you were an able seaman, insignia on the hands showed what experience you had to captains commissioning crew. As a tattoo it allows me to remember what I’ve achieved on a professional level and the respect I earned amongst my ship mates.
Now, I have only had the tattoos a year but it has been a phrase I have used in my personal life for lots of years due to personal struggles caused both by myself and third parties and a long battle with a drug and alcohol addiction, HOLD FAST because sometimes you just have to lock it down, hold on and wait for the fucking storm to clear.
My torso is extensively tattooed but was never allowed anything visible due to my career, after many years of wanting the tattoo and many hours pondering it I felt established enough within myself, family and friends to go for it without judgement (not that I really give a fuck what anyone thinks anyway) but it definitely made the decision easier.
Also, I just wanted to give a msg to anyone thinking about getting their fingers done:
Please please make sure this is something you want done, give it many many years of thought and don’t allow it to be a spur of the moment decision, although there is a massive tolerance to ink today your knuckles are a huge statement and people will judge, make sure it has a significant meaning to you because if somebody has the bollocks to ask you what they mean you should give them the respect of a dignified answer, not just “because it looked cool man” because they will think you and the rest of us are dicks…
Harvey Rodgers,
Southampton, England
4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Chris M. sends us these knuckles:

Hey guys!

Just got LIVE FREE on my knuckles a couple days ago! I struggled for years  and still am struggling as I live day to day minute by minute! I was a prisoner of my own making and suffered for a long time! I didn’t know was freedom was till I discovered a new way of living that I have to work in my everyday so I dont return to a hopeless state of mind! I was always told to be where my hand are and now everyday I look at them it reminds me to be free of self! That’s my story!

4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos

MEAT FREE and veggies

Mike S. has this to say:

yes the ink is Vegan.


4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos


I’ve had plenty of awesome knuckle tattoo ideas over the years. Then one day I was listening to Dust in the Wind by Kansas, which got me thinking about the Socrates scene in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

I realized DUST and WIND would make excellent knuckle tattoos! Representing the Earth and the sky. Life and Death. Good and Evil. Yin and Yang. Opposites. All encompassing.  As well as a fantastic classic rock ballad.. AND a totally excellent, important, classic movie to me, from my youth.. if only i had one more hand to add DUDE to the mix… OH! How bout just moving down a segment and split it in half! why not add some hourglasses, too?!

and VOILA! the birth of the most awesome knuckle tattoos in history! Kansas, Bill & Ted, and Socrates! All in one! Can’t beat it! i love em! They were done by the lovely and super talented Tasha Rubinow, at the shop I work at Inborn Tattoo, in NYC.


(Side note: We listened to “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas on repeat the whole time we were doing the tattoo. The play count in the end was 46. It never got old. and it never will!)

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.”
– Socrates


4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Mike M. says:

Mine as of last night…..

And when I asked him why DOOM and FURY his only answer was:

I don’t turn down a fist fight…..