Holy crap y’all. Look at this! Our first set of knuckle tattoos from another country. Freakin’ Germany! Here’s a punch line: he got them done here in Austin. And double deckers at that. Here is what Osti has to say:
My name is Osti, I’m a tattooer living in Germany. Eric Doyle did the top part of my knuckles almost ten years ago when he was working for Perfection Tattoos in Austin. He did the bottom three years ago at Jinx Proof in D.C. The tattoo is about the discrepancy between how I view myself and how everybody else sees me ;-). I had no idea how hard it was to take a picture of your own hands.
Osti, we really appreciate you taking the trouble of photographing your own hands. It ain’t easy. I knew we would get knuckles from other countries, I just didn’t expect them so soon. Thanks again!