4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


My names Rob I’m from Massachusetts I have the words “Stay Away” on my knuckles. I chose these words cuz I’m not a people person and being in a band I have to deal with a lot if people so I got stay away just to let everyone know your just better off staying away from me we may not be enemies but we can’t be friends

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


My name is Mel. Here’s my picture, and my story.
I got these done for the first time in 2008 I think, by a good friend in Australia.
I always wanted something across my knuckles.
Stay Down, because at the time I was doing Muay Thai, and I found that amusing to have it under the gloves. It’s also a fair warning for trouble makers.
But mostly, because I wanted to remind myself that I wasn’t the one supposed to stay down in my life. Bullshit had to stay down. Eventually I’ll get CALM tattooed on my left hand, inside, so when I open my left hand and close the right one, one can read Stay Calm, because I need to remind myself of that too.
Photo by Francis Beddok.
4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


When I asked George why he got STAY DOWN tattooed on his knuckles, his response was: “i like to give a fair warning! lol always getting in trouble.”

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


I’m Gina and my knuckles say “Stay gold”

I love to read and one of my favorite books is the outsiders. In the book there is a poem by Robert Frost which goes as follows;
Nature’s first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
The way it’s described in the book is that “Your gold when your a kid. When your a kid, everythings new. Like dawn, the way you dig sunsets, Ponyboy, that’s gold. Keep it that way, its a good way to be.”
I take it how nothing stays perfect or new forever but even though you will get older still keep your youth. Your spirit doesn’t have to age with your body. I got the tattoo because I’m 20 years old now which means (according to everyone else) that I’m getting older I’ve become an adult. I have a son and I think it’s the perfect time to solidify this statement that even though I’m growing up fast I’ll still be a kid at heart forever and that’s something nobody can take from me. Permanant ink just makes it that much clearer for the rest of the world.
4x4 Double Decker Knuckle Tattoos


Hi.. I am Marcos From Brazil.

Before I sent this picture: HARD CORE
My first knuckle tattoo…Now, I sending my second knuckle Tattoo..
which is a complement to the first tattoo.

This tattoo was made by my friend and brother Thiago Bitencourt

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Aaron sends us these knuckles with the following story:

Since childhood, many horrific moments came to help shape who I am. Suffering mental abuse, physical abuse and rape at an early age set the standards for my path of self-destruction. Fighting and run-ins with authority figures. Battles with depression, self-loathing and alcohol abuse came to define who I was. My young son was diagnosed with a rare cancer at age two and received a bone marrow transplant. Diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorders were the outcome. No more. I refuse to be a victim because I shall never admit defeat. My knuckles remind me to STAY CALM in whatever may be thrown my way and to act with compassion and patience. Believe in the power of Positive Mental Attitude. It just might help you save your life.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Joe G. sends us these:

I always liked knuckle tats and stay true says it all. i figured it was a good time to do it, im not getting any younger!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Darlene sends us these bruisers:

So I learned to accept the fact that, like my mother says, i have a bad next time i debate on getting in drunken bar brawl or wanting to punch a broad for giving me catty looks i’ll try n take a look at my knuckles before acting on that! haha

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Steven G. sends us these knuckles:

Here are my knuckle tats after their first and second sessions. I work a lot with my hands so I’m healing them in sections… My knocks are a two-fold homage to ‘The Outsiders’ as well as a nod to Bring Me the Horizon’s song ‘Diamonds Aren’t Forever’ line “Throw your diamonds in the sky, we’ll stay gold forever”. My knuckles are me, I can never deny myself, and if I stay gold… I might just leave a mark and “live forever”.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Crissa La-Lynn sends us these digits:

I don’t really have a huge amazing story for getting these tattoos. I know a lot of people either get “love hate” “stay true” but stay true actually means something to me. I feel its important to always stay true to yourself cause in the end you are the only one you have.