4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Hi, I’m Jason from Australia, here is a picture of my new knuckle tattoos, they were done by Shannon from thinkin ink tattoo studio, from Shepparton, Victoria, I have been thinking of getting give and take for a long time now, I chose give and take because life’s all about give and take.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Kai sends his best regards from Berlin/Germany.

i always wanted one!i think life is always GIVE and i decided to get it inked on my hands!it was made in late august 2010

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos My Photos


I met Lauren at the Red Eyed Fly during South by Southwest. She was great and let me take photos of her knuckle tattoos. When I asked about the meaning behind them, this is what she sent me:

My knuckle tattoos are rather ironic, and pretty straight-forward. Love is a concept everyone should be able relate to, and I live strongly by the word. I suppose it’s more of a personal statement to society. I’ve never been in a fight, nor would I ever want to inflict harm on another person. I got my knuckle tattoos not only for myself, but as my own way of being an open book to society, as well as having an easy gateway to outside conversation.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos



All the way from across the sea come this set of knuckle tattoos:

hi, I’m from The Netherlands and I got this tattoo in Amsterdam by Inkcrowd tattoos.
The reason behind the tattoo is simple, in real live you got some giving to do and so now and then some taking. that’s how I’m living to, I treat people the way the treat me !
greetings, Marcel Van Broekhuijsen
The Netherlands ( Europe)

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


In Keith’s own words:

This is a knuckle tattoo I just recently got. I got it because I wanted my tattoo to have some meaning to it yet sound cool. Give and take is how life works and you can relate the tattoo to a lot of stuff. You give your time for work and you take money. You give your money to a store and you take your TV. It reminds me of the sacrifice you have to put in to get a gain, with everything really.