I spent last weekend at the Lonestar Rod & Kustom Round Up soaking up the sun talking to people, and admiring all the amazing cars and trucks. There was music, vendors, pinstripers, artists and more types of pomade than you can shake a stick at. But most of all for me, there were tons of beautiful knuckle tattoos. Check them out after the jump:
A car show isn’t a car show without a V8 – KUSTOM FORD
Assorted Symbols and INNOCENT – A great set of double deckers.
A classic – HOLD FAST
A ticking TIME BOMB
DIRT BAG and significant other.
SF and Shamrock – This guy was there with High Life Pomade, I bought a tin or two and it works like a charm. Must recommend it. PS – The site could use a pomade sponsor… (hint hint)
HAND MADE – This guy was really nice, he said that he is a mechanic and works with his hands a lot, hence these knuckle tattoos.
ACES HIGH – He wouldn’t put his funnel cake down. I can’t say I blame him, it looks delicious.
Little Stars
13 and KISS – The wolf man and the mummy above have HOLD FAST underneath.
This guy saw me taking pictures and got totally stoked. He’d seen this site before and was pissed since he didn’t have his knuckles done yet. He insisted I take a before picture, so that I’d have both before and after photos of him. AWESOME. I look forward to seeing what you get done, dude.
And please if you know any of the people in the photos above, or are one of the people in the photos, contact me with their stories, I would love to get them up on the site. Thanks!
PS – I’ve also got my other photos from the event up on my flickr account, check them out!