Oh my God. Every once in a while something comes along that just reminds you of how great what you are doing is. This is a pure and perfect example. Jared P. sends us these knuckles and reminds us how important it is to keep this site going. Thank you so much for sending them in. Here is his story:
These are loved by everyone who sees em. I got em 3 years ago, and they need to be redone. I was told that the color would be hard to keep. I went with the pixelated Ms. PacMan on my ring finger so we could get married ♡!
The heart is from the end of Act 1 on Ms. Pacman when she meets Pacman and finds the heart…. thats why Pacman is on my index finger facing the heart. My pinky is a Pretzel also from Ms. Pacman. I went with the Pretzel instead of cherries or strawberries cause it didn’t seem to fit in with the other food Ms. Pacman eats… kinda like I don’t fit in with other people. And on my right hand are the ghosts. I have Inky, Pinky, Stinky, and Sue. One is the scared variation. For the most part everybody with Knucks tattooed is trying to say something. I couldn’t sum up what I wanted to say in 8 letters for the rest of my life… but I was ready to get my knuckles done, and didn’t want words. I guess I’m saying I love old school video games… and that I grew up in the 80’s. I wanted them to be pixelated to look original.