4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


I’m bug, male, 29 from Southampton, England. I wanted something different and a bit outrageous. My ex, she was totally into that sort of thing too lol. I think most people just find it funny. Reactions range from ‘YOU’RE A LEGEND’ to ‘WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT’ Another thing with the tattoos are if I stick out my two inner knuckles on each hand it says STFU (shut the fuck up). I kind of liked that too. For work I just put plasters over my left hand so it’s not a massive issue. I’m sure a lot of people will look down their noses at me…butt fuck em ;)

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Soul Vice.

I’m 19 years old and I joined the navy right out of high school. The main reason I did it, despite the cliche, was to get away from a lifestyle that would’ve gotten way worse if I stayed. So i started off by getting the tear drop, to remind myself of where I was, and that’s as close to it as I ever want to get again. Then I heard the song “Soul Vice” by a band called Trapped Under Ice, and one of the lyric says “Live with the vice” and it hit me, that everyone, whether they admit it or not, has a vice in their life that either holds them back or will never go away. This was MY way of acknowledging MY vice.

Gonzalo Mendez, USN. TUITILLIDIE

Knuckle Tattoos Other


Hi im ally and i loovveess me some knuckle tattoos ! Especially mine ;)


8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


Alahna Cruz sends us these knuckles and the story behind ’em:

White ink – hence the b&w. ‘absorber’. In the last 3 years the 3 most important people in my life told me that I was born broken and with holes in me that I couldn’t fix. Also in the last 3 years, I have gotten out of a rocky relationship, got disowned by a good portion of my life & have learned how to support myself & stay healthy and responsible. This is a reminder to myself that I will find what I’m looking for & that I only need myself (and the big guy).

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


Sean Bardwell is all about barbecue:

Here’s a pic of my BARBEQUE knuckles. They were done by Rick Meggison at Marked4life.
I started cooking BBQ about 7 years ago. About 3 or 4 years ago I decided BBQ was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I started practicing more, writing recipes and created my own brand and logo. Check out my website and you can also follow me on twitter @SBbarbeQue (shameless plug, I know). I have recently taken some more steps towards making my BBQ my living. Rick is my friend and a member of our cooking team @TattoosNQue (I know, another shameless plug). We were hanging out the night before Zombie Jesus day or most commonly known as Easter. I had planned on getting this tattoo a little bit down the road. He convinced me to get it by using the zombie jesus metaphor and calling it my BBQ resurrection…and here we are!

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Jessie sends us these knuckle tattoos and the story behind them:

I’m a Sequential Artist/Illustrator attending SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design). I got knuckles tattooed as inspiration to keep myself drawing. Which word is on which hand was panned as well because I’m left handed so “draw” is on the left hand..heh heh, so punny. Literally got them done two days ago and everyone keeps fist pumping me ’cause no one can tell they’re new, it sucks, but they are so awesome people just can’t help it.

Knuckle Tattoos One Hand


Hello, my name is Ian and I’ve been following your site for a while, now I have a tattoo to submit.
‘such’ on my left knuckles, just got it 2 days ago.  Oddly I needed to argue my case to all the employees who worked there, and only reluctantly agreed to accept my money.
It’s my 3rd tattoo, but the first I’ve been immediately proud of.
The notion behind it, or what it means to me is the idea of the natural state of things, an acceptance of them based on the idea that ‘everything is necessary’.  Not in any eastern way, but in that perfection is the past, because it is static and unchangeable

Site News

Knuckle tattoos having trouble healing?

From the mail bag, Matt asks:

I have what may be a stupid question. Now I have a multitude of ink most recently decided to have my knuckles done. Since I’m a mechanic i was wearing latex gloves to keep my hands clean. Question being is it normal for a large portion or good portion of the ink to not be there any longer after my knuckles have healed? The black almost looks like pepper specks. None of my other bodily parts have had such a reaction.

Dear Matt,

Not a stupid question at all. In fact I hear this problem a lot from tattoo artists too. The combination of keeping the tattoo moist and warm lets a lot of the ink seep out during the healing process. It happens a lot. Might want to get them redone next time you have a few days off coming up so that the early stages of healing can get done before you are back in the gloves.

Thanks for asking,

Nathan Black
All knuckle tattoos, all the time.

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


Hi there, I’m Purple from Tulsa, Oklahoma and this is my 9th tattoo. It says ‘LIEBLING’ which is an older German word for ‘DARLING’. I chose it because of my love for the German language and also because it’s a word that isn’t really used very often anymore. It reminds me that although I would love to be someone’s ‘darling’  love is overrated and it can become as obsolete as the word liebling itsself.

For more fun,

8 Across Knuckle Tattoos


Brandon Riquier of Richmond, VA sends us his knuckles and this message:

I had wanted “defeated” across my knuckles for quite a few years now and just recently decided to man up and do it. I was really tired of seeing overwhelmingly positive messages on knuckles and getting to know the people with them and realizing they were everything but. If anything I’m a realist, life doesn’t always go exactly the way you want it to. My tattoo says that – very clearly.