4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Jazu Maxwell sends us these knuckles and the story:

love more is my advice/request/mantra/projection to the world. i always admired the classic ‘love hate’ knuckles, but never wanted the hate bit. when i decided it was time to get em inked, i was still stuck, what is there besides love? oh yeah, nothing, just more love.  i am a lover not a fighter, always have been, always will be.  never been in a fight, not that i plan on changing that, but really, how could you use love knuckles to hit somebody?  and when i turn my fists in on myself, which does happen from time to time (figuratively), i am reminded that all i need to give myself is more love, not a hard time.  also its a nod and a guilty smile to my inner gluttonous heathen. i love the good stuff, food, sex, art, drugs, music, and lots of it.  want some more? hell yes. i always love more.  considering color, not sure yet…