4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


This set of knuckles comes courtesy of “Fat” Scott Morrison, of N2SKIN Tattoos in Farmington Hills, MI. His story is great:

I’d been tattooing for about a year and a half at the time, and it jsut dawned on me that I was in the middle of living my dream and persuing a carreer with no boundries. I had grown up with a father who worked in a Ford plant for 32 years and had taken a medical retirement due to stress-related heart problems, and a mother who had owned her own accounting buisness for 30 years working 13 hour days in dress atire. I had always promised myself that I would never let my life pass by working a job I didnt have a passion for or spend my time sitting at a desk in the corperate world in a suit that was uncomfortable. so, when I came to this realization (that I was living my wildest dreams), I decided that “LIVE LIFE” would always be that constant reminder to just enjoy every little thing I can, and never let something so petty like money or posessions come between me and my love for the simplest yet finest points of life. One week to the day that i got the tattoo, my father passed away suddenly, and literally in the blink of an eye meant more to me than I had ever imagined it would. He worked his entire life, literally till the day he died to make sure that I would be able to persue my dreams, so for him and for me this is the path I have chosen. Nothing will stop me but death.

Knuckle Tattoos Other


These knuckle tattoos are on the hands of Mark S. of Sherman, Texas. He says that skating isn’t what he wants to do. It’s what he is.

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos

g33k L1f3

The picture above was recently featured on and I knew I had to catch up with the lady pictured. According to her MySpace, she is the first lady of nerdcore. It makes me shiver with geek pride to be able to add her to this this project. Here is what she has to say about her knuckles:

i uh got geek life on my knucks because im proud of being and living the geek life that i do.
and what society looks down on, i hold on a pedastal so its basically an imagery tattoo of my geek pride and a peep into my life.

And in case you were curious here is an example of her work:

4x4 Knuckle Tattoos


Chase Lisbon is the owner of helping provide great for the world. He doesn’t really talk about the meaning behind his knuckles, but you can take what you want from it.